I had to explain to a 12yo that not long before she was born, you made a computer display by sucking all the air out of an enormous glass box and then painting one side of it with special paint that sometimes glowed and then applying 2000V to a little bit of hot wire so you ripped electrons out of it and using electromagnets to steer the electrons to hit the special paint so that it glowed, and she seemed increasingly suspicious that I was pulling her leg and at the end she just said "that seems.. ..very inefficient?" and now I feel like a walking exhibit at a mediaeval blacksmithing museum

I think my least favourite thing about capitalism is how COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY most of it is. Like, there's whole vast swathes of it that bring nothing but misery and boredom.

I am a very reluctant car owner, cars are awful on many levels, and so I am SO MAD that Baby's First Car Accident has resulted in me having to buy a whole new car. Goddammit.

(I am very GLAD though that nobody's hurt. Overall a very small car accident in the grand scheme of things.)

A recent paper on extrasolar planets proposes the term "Magrathea planets" for those found in binary white-dwarf systems.

(Tragically it does not indicate that they were later repurposed as construction sites. But you never know.)

Very much want both 1. more time to breathe and 2. the social media wars to end so I just know where everyone is, ideally somewhere that doesn't suck.

Today's quiz question: a) what is the most unusually specific legislative requirement in the country, and b) why is it section 17 of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018

“The reason most public transportation is seen as ‘losing’ money is precisely because it charges for trips. If you don't charge fares, suddenly it can't ‘lose’ money. It just costs money, the same as the roads.”

This random comment has given me my new favourite argument for removing fares from public transit.

People worry a lot about losing knowledge — about "burned-down libraries".

Comparatively few people seem to worry about what happens if you take a billion books full of auto-generated, often-untrue junk text and *add* them all to the library.

In theory, nothing is lost. In reality, everything is lost, because nothing useful can now be found.

basically the more I learn about cars, as a new car owner, the more i'm just like... car culture is seriously even weirder and more messed up than i thought it was.

apparently my city may be instituting 20mph speed limits as default and i'm just like, GOOD. cars shouldn't be going at goddamn 40mph through busy urban areas!

The German word "Hochzeit" means

- wedding (with short-spoken "o")
- heyday, golden age (long "o")

So, when you read about the "Hochzeit des Punks" it probably refers to the golden era of the Sex Pistols.

Or it means that punk's not dead but finally getting married.

Which in a way also means that punk is dead.

Enjoy our language!


I got some good work news today. I've been working really hard at my new job, and I think today that... actually paid off. I am a little bit blown away, tbh.

Irrationally annoyed I can't actually quantify whether the time I save on not deciding what to wear to work any more is actually lost again to time spent ironing my uniform, because I do not have accurate data on just how long I spent wandering around wondering what clothes I owned.

You know what I notice about the pics at the World Evonomic Forum in Davos? The HEPA filters in every room. And that they’re all sitting around in their coats. Because the windows are probably open (for ventilation).

Not to mention that we know a negative PCR test was required for their badges to work.

We now know how to gather safely. We’re just treating those things as luxuries afforded only to the rich, while our kids’ schools are full of every respiratory virus.

#Covid #WEF23 #Davos

Today I was all about teaching the younger members of my family some important lessons: that there really ISN'T a law against eating dessert first and that toddler nephews with a great sense of their masculine dignity are still allowed to enjoy picking out earrings for me to wear.

(He picked a pair of Wonder Woman earrings, elephants, and a dangly snake. I am super cool.)

No idea how Mastodon works, but it looks like I'll have to find out!


The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!