Laura boosted

#Heartstopper makes me a bit sad that I didn't get to have sweet teenage experiences of flirting and kissing (#Section28 and Catholic school meant it was all rather fraught and unhappy) but also oh my god nothing could induce me to be anything but in my thirties, married and too old for all of this

Laura boosted

Barbie is a polymath, but in the circles we move in, she is perhaps better known for her hairless, featureless vulva than her myriad achievements.

Here's a very brief history of "Barbie Crotch" - labia-less, hairless, featureless vulvas - in art.

Laura boosted

Elusive glass octopus spotted in the remote Pacific Ocean. Only its eyes, optic nerve and digestive tract are opaque. This rarely-seen glass octopus bared all recently — even a view of its innards — when an underwater robot filmed it gracefully soaring through the deep waters of the Central Pacific Ocean. Image credit: Schmidt Ocean Institute

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Laura boosted

Got invited to contribute to a BBC radio programme that ultimately seeks to position trans and non-binary rights and women's rights in opposition.

I will not take part in such debates. I believe that framing non-binary and trans people's experiences as something that should be debated, and, in particular, that our recognition is damaging to women and girls, is profoundly unhelpful and fuels a conflict that does not need to exist.

4) I think the first film might have more rewatch value, but am unsure whether the fact I called almost nothing there and various reveals/procedural points in this is because it was a ‘better’ film or bc I got more used to how RJ structures plots

5) Delighted that the guy playing Blanc’s partner, who I vaguely thought “Oh, that looks a bit like Hugh Grant” was in fact Hugh Grant.

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unspoilery comments on :
1) well that was a goddamn delight
2) we went in almost entirely cold and that definitely helps, I think even looking up the cast list would be a spoiler
3) everyone is both having a fantastic time and doing a great job, but particular props to Janelle Monae and Kate Hudson

Laura boosted

In 1933, Nazis led torchlit mob into the square and looted the library of the adjoining -Universitat. 40,000 people cheered as they burned over 20,000 books by mainly Jewish, communist, liberal and social-critical authors. Many years later, a panel of glass was set into the ground to mark the spot. It’s a window. Leaning over you can look into a room below. The room is white, lined from floor to ceiling with plain shelves—an empty library. The sort of world we’d live in if the fanatics had won.

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Laura boosted
Laura boosted

in Norway, "up and not crying" is a not uncommon response to "how's it going" type questions, and I feel like that's a very reasonable standard to hold oneself to nowadays

Things that make me feel particularly ancient while (re)watching :
1) The fact that we are older than the teachers
2) The fact that I am too lazy to dig out my glasses so @mixosaurus has to read out texts on screen
3) No seriously, did I mention the older than the teachers thing?
In conclusion: ⚰️

speaking of which I finished   this week! It was great! Extremely into the universe containing a grim (but not grimdark) political drama. Also into Diego Luna some day fulfilling his dream of touching Jabba the Hutt.

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I am quite prepared to admit Andor is a “better” “show” or wev but I’m not literally going to let out a little shriek in line at the pharmacy just because the s2 premiere date dropped. we stan one (1) tired single dad.

Good afternoon, my sister recently turned 26 and I just learned one of her friends got her a bday card saying “sorry you’re too old for Leo to date”. The kids are all right.


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