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Would love to know how many people who signed this petition also believe the nation is spending far too much and should cut taxes.

State pension spend: currently £125bn. Under this model: £415bn (up £290bn). Entire public spending budget, for everything: £1,190bn.

So implementing this would mean approximately a 25% raise in taxation. Can't see that one being very popular...

I really need to find something better than a flatbed for this, but it's definitely working.

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Andrew boosted

Happy Test Your Leap Year Handling In Production Day to all the software that was written in the last 1460 days.

(in my notes this is "Dud shot at f/16 1/200", I had assumed it was underexposed and written it off. Phone metering remains a bit challenging.)

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Second 120 film today - spooling a little fiddlier but came out OK. Quality looks excellent for a 70-year-old camera & lens! Going to be a pain to scan, though...

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Medium format film seemed quite scary (separate paper backing! little sticky tabs! no canister!) but turned out very straightforward to use - spooling it into a tank was really smooth and honestly a bit less fiddly than 35mm. No need for cutting anything. Not sure this is going to be a regular thing, but definitely fun.

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Technically really interesting to use as well - the shutter controls are all on the lens itself, so you set aperture and exposure, cock the shutter, and then that's it. No meter, but thankfully a phone takes care of that these days...

Focusing is entirely by a distance dial - this was the cheap model of the series, with no rangefinder. (You paid almost twice as much for that, but you did also get a wider lens)

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The camera itself is surprisingly well-preserved for something that has "MADE IN GERMANY US-ZONE" on the back. Retail UK price was £10/4/4 for this model, which is pretty close to what I paid on ebay last week.

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further experiments: my first roll of medium-format film, on an untested 1950s folding camera, using Ilford XP2, which is not meant to be developed in normal B&W chemistry so I had to make up the times.

Amazingly, there are actually pictures coming out on the film. I mean, let's not assume they're in focus or reasonably exposed, but still.

One of those idle figures I was wondering about today: when did Japan overtake Germany in camera manufacture? Earlier than I thought - 1962 for domestic production, 1964 for export numbers, 1967 for export value.

Andrew boosted
Andrew boosted

#2894 Research Account 


I sort of see what the people are trying to do here, but my goodness, this is a wild prompt to put on the confirmation screen for a form that has nothing to do with organ donations.

Andrew boosted

Before 1918, general elections in the UK were spread over multiple weeks, as each constituency's returning officer could choose their own nomination and polling days.

Pleased to share a short piece by me on the long life (and quiet death) of the long #generalelection

Somewhat ironically, the article is only free to read for a week...


Andrew boosted
Andrew boosted

Have to admit I find it kind of bleakly amusing that someone who moved to Edinburgh *in 2017* is alarmed by the growth in tourism, and thinks it's because of the films.

Update: absolutely everything is on the internet. Here's the full concert, complete with audience in the second half getting a bit punchy:

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(this was a week into the tour & two days before the infamous "Judas" concert in Manchester - I suspect half the audience had read the papers from the earlier legs and were going in spoiling for a fight...)

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