Andrew boosted

When you are a Wikipedia editor, sometimes you have to help out your fellow contributors who struggle to maintain an encyclopedic tone

Andrew boosted

The moon appeared inside the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower, in breach of the Olympic Brand Guide.

Andrew boosted

This #Politico piece critical of Kamala #Harris at a recent #tech summit in #London actually put her up in my estimation. Rishi #Sunak and the tech bros wanted to talk about the fantasy "future #risks" of #AI. She pointed out that tech risks have already arrived: “When a senior is kicked off their #healthcare plan because of a faulty #algorithm, is that not existential for him?”

There is a small village outside Aviemore called Boat of Garten (went there once, nice place). Turns out it has a community newsletter.

The BoG Standard.


Andrew boosted

This is fitting. The top topic on Xitter right now is of course the global Crowdstrike/Windows clusterfuck. But the AI summary of the discussion is hilarious, b/c it summarizes a bunch of sarcastic posts and makes it sound like a positive (or at least can-do) story.

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Andrew boosted

For those of a psephology bent, the House of Commons Library have just published their briefing on the full results of the 2024 general election:

Also available in deferenceable URI format on our election results website:

And as a datasette for those who prefer SQL over point and click:

Andrew boosted

Today is #WorldSnakeDay – here’s Edwin Morgan’s “Siesta of a Hungarian Snake” (Collected Poems, Carcanet 2012) 🐍

#Scottish #literature #poem #poetry #snake

Andrew boosted

In which I get mad about sloppy use of AI in a way that can actively endanger people!!!

(thx to the American Alpine Club for their amazing work publicizing climbing and mountaineering accidents and identifying patterns in the causes)

Andrew boosted

New feature! We've added another lookup to that tells you about the various elected people that represent you and your area.

Give it a go here:

Read the blog:


Andrew boosted

Someone complained that the xkcd Dependency comic is unrealistic because it only shows one critical dependency you've never heard of.

However, it all makes sense once you realize it's actually a fractal:

"Wha wouldnae fecht for Chairlie..."

"Saw'd ye the cotton spinners..."

"Wha saw the Forty-Second..."

"Ya, ya, you hielan' bastard..."

The folk process at work!

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Stumbled across this little oddity: Hamish Henderson going through the evolution of a single song from c18th Jacobites, to c19th Chartism, to Boer War popular music, to soldier's songs in WWI

@symroe I *think* all the DC IDs on that are your current (post-merging) ones. Some unelected candidates don't line up and will need IDs updating but not worried about them for now!

@symroe This is a little fiddly (because one Lib Dem has two TWFY IDs - I've tweaked it to only give his live one) but otherwise correctly reports all 649 known plus one blank. 100+ missing TWFY at the moment, and I don't think Commons Library have issued MNIS yet?

@symroe looks like there has been a bit of churn since the DC IDs were imported for candidates - will need to do a bit of merging and polishing, but in general it's looking good. I think 647/648 declared currently line up but may be a little bit of merging still to go.

Got a day of normal work today (mistakes were made...) but wrote up the @democlub data import when I woke up this AM and the bot's churning away in the background to bring it all in. Should have the new list up and running shortly.

Pace Inverness, anyway...

All seats and candidates - and who we've noted as the winner if we have one

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