I have a preprint out estimating how many scholarly papers are written using chatGPT etc? I estimate upwards of 60k articles (>1% of global output) published in 2023. arxiv.org/abs/2403.16887

How can we identify this? Simple: there are certain words that LLMs love, and they suddenly start showing up *a lot* last year. Twice as many papers call something "intricate", big rises for "commendable" and "meticulous".

@sbszine interestingly, not so much in this context! I think this is because it's *such* a common word in academic writing anyway (~1.5m papers/year use it)

@generalising Ah, right! My use case is reading tender documents and a text search for 'moreover' is (anecdotally) reliable at finding LLM text.


@sbszine yeah, I think it's very variable between document types - I found that some of the terms that were significant for peer reviews had little to no difference for papers. I guess it's down to the nuance of what terms are expected (by a human) in what contexts!

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