Impulse purchase arrived just as I was out for a long walk. What timing.

(Have only used 18mm on DX before - ie 27mm equivalent - so will be interesting to see how different this feels)

I know "this escalated quickly" is a cliche but:

* shot roll of film
* discovered no developer
* discovered there *was* new developer, but two serious adults both defeated by childproof cap
* remembered I wanted to try caffenol developing
* sprinted out, bought all ingredients at 22.45, incl. last washing soda in local Morrisons
* forgot that I had somehow put the film for a brief presoak while wrestling with bottle
* after an hour you basically just wash off all the emulsion?
* drink


Next day:

* decide to shoot new roll of film, there's a game on, that should be fun
* ram knee into bathroom furniture and have to lie down for half an hour swearing gently
* limp down to stadium
* get home, discover yesterday's caffenol recipe was wrong anyway and also the fixer has been sat out all night
* mix fresh batch
* bloody hell it actually worked

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kicker: send a note to the nice lens seller on ebay, enclose photo to show all came out nicely, and after a brief conversation to explain why it looked that way, appear to have persuaded *him* to try home developing as well.

oh, dear.

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