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KitKat has a dark chocolate mint flavor in the UK and it’s the closest thing to Thin Mints that you can get in this country

@mjd My objection to the sun moving clockwise across the sky is not that I think it moves counterclockwise, but that it obviously doesn't move at all. If you look at it, it's clearly stationary. Yes, it's at different places in the sky at different times of day, but it's definitely not moving.

(This is pretty much my instinctual feelings about the sun, I think because I spend so little time outdoors in a single place paying attention to it, so I effectively never experience motion.)

Albany Evening Journal. Albany, NY: April 10, 1865 full page ad in their newspaper

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We've been in Amsterdam for the past couple days, and I'm here to report: It's neat! Good food, fun vibe, pleasantly compact, lots to do.

Also, any vampires that come here are _fucked_. Canals _everywhere_.

I'm filling out a form for a medical thing and I just... look at this weight dropdown. What happened here? How did any of this come to be? I'm absolutely flabbergasted at how anyone looked at this and was like, "Yep, that seems fine."

@gruber I don’t think you’re wrong that Apple execs didn’t know it was happening, but I’m delighted by the idea that Apple’s low-oversight capricious App Store management is screwing them for once rather than some poor developer.

i was a (technical) theatre dork in HS & college but i can't hit most of those friends without logging into Facebook, so instead i will inflict this on you here

You know it’s a bureaucracy night when you need to use three different SIMs in your phone.

“There’s a religiosity around vitamin D,” says Clifford Rosen. “The evidence is out there. People don’t want to pay attention to it.” (Jan 2024)

h/t LizHighleyman

Link without email ask

I had always thought that the Great Pyramid was some distance out into the desert.

Turns out it's like 200m from urban Giza, they just always take pictures from the city side so it looks like it's all on its own.

I wrote up my impressions of Zig after using it for this year’s Advent of Code, check it out!

In a delightful Americanism, you have to pay for passports by swiping a card and then signing the receipt. Feels like home!

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Having been here a number of times (the new embassy opened in 2018), it’s a very nice place. I think the old location was better — hard to beat the heart of central London — but the citizen services room was cramped and they were clearly struggling for space.

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Ms. 4 is almost Ms. 5! And that means an early morning trip to the US Embassy to renew her passport.

It’s Start the Year Off Right Day in the Gortanian household!

Every year, we take December 31st to do all those lingering chores that we’ve been putting off forever, so that we don’t need to bring them with us into next year.

Hang up those photos! Sort through that pile of paperwork! Mop that floor! Answer those emails!

It’s a great tradition.

Yesterday we went to a British panto for the first time, and it was fabulous. I'm honestly surprised panto isn't a thing in the US, it seems totally accessible to American audiences and it's a great time.

Finally done! I ended up doing day 21 part 2 in a much more involved way than lots of other people, but I'm pleased with the structure of my solution.

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I'm almost done with , only have 21 part 2 and 24 part 2 left.

I had a really nice, elegant solution to 24 part 2 that I coded up all the way, and it even works on the sample input, but it doesn't actually work on the input because it doesn't quite have the right structure. I think I have another idea that should work, but it's so much less elegant.

21 part 2 I just am having a hard time caring about figuring out how to solve.

This mind-bending timelapse with the Milky Way stabilized shows the Earth is spinning through space.

Video credit: Eric Brummel
Eric's Website:
Watch the full HD version on Youtube:

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!