poll: when you have a merge conflict, how do you prefer to handle it?

merge conflict follow up: if you prefer to edit the weird text file by hand instead of using a dedicated merge conflict tool, why is that?


@b0rk For me it’s sort of #1 and the opposite of it. Most merge conflicts are trivial and it’s easy to edit the file. Most of the remainder are complex merges where the correct code needs to be reasoned through and ends up as more than a combination of the two conflicting changes. The ones in the middle are the ones where I’d expect to see benefit from a dedicated tool, but I find those to be too rare to bother learning a new tool.

@flooey @b0rk
Yes, exactly this. I do know how to use xxdiff, for example, but for anything moderately complex, you have to manually correct the code so you may as well be in your preferred editor anyway.

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