
Speaking of which, I need to pick a language to learn for Advent of Code this year!

Every year, I do all the problems in a language I've never used before. Last year was Crystal, the year before was Common Lisp.

Anyone have any favorites that I should consider?

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@flooey I don't know what languages you know... but I'm very curious what you make of rust. In spite of its strange recent controversies it still seems like the best thing going, in terms of adding higher level powers to a low level language.

On the other hand I wouldn't recommend zig because its claims at better speed than C seem to be only because it hasn't yet had to solve all the problems C solves.

Actually I'd be very interested to hear about your experience with Perl 6 if you feel like giving that a try. I was a hardcore Perl 5 person before Perl 6 went off the deep end and disappeared. Now that its back and fully bizarre I'm curious about it, but not enough to actually learn it myself yet. So using you as a test guinea pig would be ideal! 😉

@zbrown I did Rust a few years ago. I like it a lot as a language, though it’s not a language to use casually.

Zig might be interesting. I don’t really care about speed, but it does have some popularity these days.

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